d19- 365 Project

walk: the act of traveling by foot; "walking is a healthy form of exercise"

Day 19 of my 365, but day 362 of my son's life.  He started walking today.

d18- 365 Project

Day 18.  This was taken at 10:20 at night.  It was an eery glow.  Especially since this picture was taken to the east.

d16 & D17- 365 Project

Well, I got behind in posting... but this will catch me up.

A picture of my son, taken by my lovely wife on Sunday.  And then next to our parking lot there was train with some great graphiti on it.

d16 - 365 Project

So I had a bit too much fun last night, and didn't get this picture posted.

My son's 11 month pictures.  Just a little late.

d15 - 365 Project

Day 15.  How could I pass up this sunrise?  I created this from a 6 shot HDR.  I was standing at the back door to my car hand holding the camera.  So I am kinda impressed with myself!

I need to find some more inspiration...

d14 - 365 Project

Day 14.  Two weeks down.  Today wasn't a very pretty day outside.  So as I was sitting in my car on my lunch break I was looking around for inspiration.

Today I learned that water droplets on a car window flip the world upside down. The big drop shows the water tower that is across the street from my parking lot.

d13 - 365 Project

Day 13.  Another HDR.  This time of our front yard.  I used 9 shots to create this HDR.  I really wish I could actually buy the software!

d12 - 365 Project

Day 12.  A cup of hot chocolate.  I guess being the first day of fall makes me want winter to come.

d11 - 365 Project

Day 11.  A moon sliver from our front porch.

d10 - 365 Project

Day 10.  So I am only 10 days into this and I am completely out of ideas...  Hopefully tomorrow I will have some time to look for other ideas.  Tonight I grabbed my son's shoes and hat, and just tried to position them so they looked good.

d9 - 365 Project

Day 9.  Austin was helping mom fold his sheets.  Well, as much as a 11 month old can help.  I might have distracted him a little...  I had to get a shot of this tee shirt!  GO BLUE!!

d8 - 365 Project

Day 8.  I believe this was a 25" capture of the highway just off of my back yard.  The blogger upload made it look a lot worse than on my mac.  I am going to upload it to flickr.  Hopefully it looks better here

d7 - 365 Project

Who said Jack Russell dogs were too hyper.  Definitely not true in this house!

Day 7.  Less than 360 to go!

D6 - 365 Project

The last sign of summer in Indiana....soon, everything will be dormant and brown.

D5 - 365 Project

Day 5.  A short night.  This is just a snapshot that Lisa took of my son in his Jeep.  No, not really a real Jeep, just his stroller.

D4 - 365 Project

Day 4.  The first Monday.  I broke out the flash tonight and was using it off the camera.  Austin took a liking to it, so I turned it down (so I wouldn't hurt him) and let him go after it.

D3 - 365 Project

Day 3...  Austin found the bathroom today.  I had to take a picture of him.  It was too cute.  We have to keep the bathroom door closed now.

D2 - 365 Project

A look at Jay's first HDR image from a Photo Walk at Headwaters park on Saturday morning.  Used Photomatix free trial to do the tone mapping.  Haven't decided if we can afford the pro copy yet.

d1 - 365 Project

Day 1 of my 365 project.  It is a image of my youngest dog, Allie.  She is very motivated by food, so guess what I was holding!

1 day down, let's hope that the next 364 are more interesting!

365 Challenge

I am always looking for ways to better myself, and the other day I ran across someone who wants to do the same.  I have seen on Flickr where people take selfportriats for an entire year, that isn't really my style so I didn't want to start down that road.  But I found tasra365.com and saw that she started a group that is just doing a picture a day.   However, there is a catch!  Along with taking a picture, you are also supposed to read 1 page out of your camera manual and look at other professional images every day.  Being the nerd that I am, I have read my entire manual already, but a refresher couldn't hurt, and maybe I will supplement it with at least one blog a day that relates to technical information about photography.

Anyway, for the next 365 days there will be a post on this blog along with a photo.  I have recruited my wife, Lisa, to help.  She always says she wants to get better at taking pictures but never has time.  Please feel free to comment on any of these photos, good or bad.  The only way you learn is from your mistakes!

The first picture will come later this evening.  Hope it is fun and educational ride!


This is the first senior picture from Mitchell. I will post some final pictures when I get them done.